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一生文学 - - 在线阅读 - 情绪管理(8)





    “Staying at school, sir, if possible.”(留在学校,先生,如果有可能的话。)

    “Why wouldn’t it be?”(为什么会不能留在学校?)

    “My mother might ask me for help with my brother, sir. On occasions, I find it difficult to say no.” (我母亲可能会要我帮忙照顾弟弟,先生。我偶尔无法拒绝。)


    “Amore, I wanted to apologize for the other night.” (爱茉尔,我想为那天晚上道歉。)


    “For…prying…into memories…that were not intended for my eyes. I’m sorry, Amore.” (为窥探……我不该瞧见的记忆……道歉。对不起,爱茉尔。)


    “It’s…It’s fine… It’s all in the past. I spent a long time to…um…come to terms with what happened…all those years ago.”(没……没关系的…… 反正都是过去的事了。我花了很长时间……嗯……去接受那么久以前发生的事情。)







    “I just hope that you are…alright.”(我只是希望你一切……都好。)


    他会告诉她,即便他用了许多许多年来“接受”这一切,他也始终无法与过去的伤害和解。他会告诉她他有多关心她,会让她知道,他从来没像在乎她那样在乎过任何其它事情、其他人,他会对她说一句,I care about you.




    爱茉尔礼貌地点了点头,摆出个得体的微笑,道了句,Thank you, sir.




    “Thank you for assisting me with this——” (谢谢你帮我处理这个——),他大概指了指学生们消失的方向,“——this burden, Miss Sayre. And sorry for interrupting your plans.”(——这个负担,瑟尔小姐。很抱歉打乱了你的其它计划。)


    “I wanted to thank you, sir, for nominating my name to Professor Dumbledore for the Potions research assistantship. I may not have tried to compete with the seventh years otherwise.”(我想感谢您,先生,向邓布利多教授提名我做魔药研究助理的职位。不然的话,我可能不会尝试与七年级的学生竞争。)


    “Of course, the final decision lies with Professor Slughorn. The board will also have to review your files.”(当然,最后的决定权在斯拉格霍恩教授那儿。校董会也得看你的材料。)


    “But I don’t think they would want to miss out on such talent.”(但我想他们不会愿意错过如此人才。)



    “Studying for the qualification test?”(在为资格考试复习?)


    “Not studying, sir, learning.”(不是复习,先生,是学习。)



    “The effects and uses of the Emerald Potion please, Miss Sayre.”(请告诉我翡翠药水的功效和用途,瑟尔小姐。)


    “The Emerald Potion, otherwise known as the Drink of Despair, is a glowing green potion that could not be penetrated by hand, vanished, parted, scooped up, transfigured, or otherwise made to change its nature in any way. It could only be drained away by drinking, and even though it isn’t immediately fatal, it induces a burning, insatiable thirst in the drinker, severe pain and weakness, hallucinations that force one to relive their worst fears, and a sense of intense despair and hopelessness, thus its name.”(翡翠药水,也称为绝望剂,是一种发光的绿色药水,无法用手渗透、无法消失、舀起、变形……或以任何方式改变其性质。受害者只能通过饮用来使其消失。尽管它不会立即致命,翡翠药水会让饮者产生无法满足的口渴感、极度的疼痛和虚弱、迫使饮者通过幻觉重温他们最深的恐惧,并导致最强烈的绝望,它因此而得名。)


    “The book doesn’t mention what its potential uses are, sir, but I imagine it is a powerful guard against intruders. By causing severe physical and mental torment, it probably acts well as a deterrent against anyone attempting to steal a treasure, its effects incapacitating or severely weaking any intruder.”(书中并没有提及药水的用途,先生,但我想,它可以有效防范入侵者。通过造成严重的身体和精神折磨,它能对任何试图盗取某宝物的人起到很好的威慑作用,其效果能使一个人被严重削弱。)


    “Of course, it could also be used for…malicious purposes. Is there an antidote to the Emerald Potion, sir?”(当然,它也可被用于……做恶。翡翠药水有解药吗,先生?)

    汤姆合上书,问道: “Care to hazard a guess, Miss Sayre?”(无妨猜一猜,瑟尔小姐。)

    “Hmm…Phoenix Tears to counter the Essence of Boggart, perhaps 3 or 4 drops. A good dose of the Calming Draught for the suffocation caused by Lethifold Slime. Generous amounts of Dittany for the Murtlap Tentacles, and a fat chunk of high-quality chocolate, sir, if available.”(嗯……凤凰眼泪能抵抗博格特精华,或许3、4滴就够。一些宁安剂,来对抗伏地蝠的粘液。新鲜的白鲜,来对付莫特拉鼠的触角,然后再加一大块高质量的黑巧克力,先生。当然,用法用量有待商榷。)


    “Hired, Miss Sayre. Congratulations. You’ll be dealing with those little urchins in no time.”(你被录用了,瑟尔小姐。恭喜,你很快就得去应付那群该死的小坏蛋了。注:urchins有‘顽童’的意思,但也指海胆,药材之一。)


    “Lucky for me, I’d only need to deal with dead urchins, sir.”(那我可走运了,因为我只需要应付死海胆,先生。)


    “Honest to heart, sir, I think you’re doing a great job. You’re the best professor—teacher—I’ve ever had. Better, in my opinion, than even Professor Dumbledore when he was still teaching.”(讲真,先生,我认为您做得很好。您是我遇到过的最好的教授、老师。在我看来,您甚至比邓布利多教授还在教书时都要好。)



    “Will you promise me to keep this between you and me, Miss Sayre? I’d still like to keep my job for a few more years.”(你得跟我保证,瑟尔小姐,将这话保密。我还想再在这儿多工作几年。)


    “I promise, sir.”(我保证,先生。)

    两人间的沉默忽然就多了分尴尬,几秒后,爱茉尔才把脸从围脖里移出来,道:“Well, I’ll be on my way then, sir. Thank you for…for…”(那我这就进去了,先生。谢谢您……嗯……嗯……)



    “I’ll probably need your help, Miss Sayre—you never know the trouble students get themselves into. I think it’s best if we stick together.” (我很可能需要你帮忙,瑟尔小姐——你永远不知道学生们能惹出多少麻烦。我认为咱们最好待在一起。)


    “Good idea, sir.”(好主意,先生。)

    “After you, Miss Sayre.”(请进,瑟尔小姐。)